0333 202 4419
(Mon - Thurs 9am to 5pm and Fri 9am to 4.30pm)If you're a business customer with annual electricity use of 50,000kWh or less, or annual gas use of 73,000kWh or less and want a quote for multiple sites, we'll give you a price based on a single meter.
If you switch your supply to E.ON, your smart meter may not work with our metering systems and may
be treated as a standard non-smart meter.
This could mean you'll need to submit meter readings and have meter read visits. If you pay as you
go, you could lose your existing functionality and we may need to exchange your meter.
*SME customers that sign a contract directly with E.ON. Electricity sourced from E.ON’s renewable generation assets, supply agreements with independent UK wind generators and the purchase of renewable electricity certificates. The electricity supplied to homes and businesses comes from the National Grid and DNOs. For more information visit eonenergy.com/renewable.